The Public Access Podcast 485 - Andreea Billig's Love Manifesto

1 year ago

The Public Access Podcast 485 - Andreea Billig's Love Manifesto

Welcome to the Public Access Podcast, where we explore the depths of personal growth and life's profound journey. In this captivating episode recorded on October 27, 2023, your host Rusty Diamond is joined by the extraordinary Andreea Billig.

Prepare yourself for a thought-provoking discussion as Rusty and Andreea delve into their personal and professional experiences, shedding light on the pursuit of freedom and fulfillment in the modern world. Andreea's path to self-discovery and transformation is nothing short of inspiring.

0:00 - Rusty and Andreea embark on a journey of self-realization, exploring how Andreea attracted specific individuals into her life and the process of breaking free from past life oaths. They also delve into Andreea's unique approach to book cover design.

9:31 - Join the conversation as Rusty and Andreea share insights into a myriad of topics, from Andreea's adventures in different cities to her profound love for nature and skiing. Discover the driving force behind Andreea's remarkable book, "I Choose Love: A Journey from Here to Love." Andreea's remarkable journey from Romania to Southern California and the pivotal role it played in shaping her destiny will leave you inspired.

17:42 - Witness Andreea's brave decision to follow her heart, leading her to an enlightening event in Santa Ana, California, which sparked her remarkable transformation. Learn about the connections she made, her journey to becoming a published author, and the creation of a brand new life filled with gratitude.

26:00 - Stay tuned as Andreea and Rusty provide an exclusive sneak peek into A.G.'s upcoming book launch event on November 11th. A.G. will be accompanied by a Grammy Award-winning sound engineer and a captivating TEDx speaker. Discover where you can find A.G.'s books and connect with her online.

And now, for those eager to connect with Andreea Billig, here are her various platforms:

Official Website:
Amazon Author Page:
BookBub Profile:
Goodreads Author Page:
YouTube Channel:

For an engaging visual experience, you can watch the video version of this episode on Rumble or Youtube. And don't forget to listen to the podcast on your favorite platform. We encourage you to like, comment, subscribe, and share the episode. Visit Rusty's website at

Explore more shows on The Rusty Diamond Network, including The Public Access Podcast, The Thinking Man's Pro Wrestling Podcast, Saved by the Ben, and This Is It with Lizzy. This episode is proudly brought to you by Hypnosis Is Great

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