How to Quit Pron Addiction NoFap Strategy

1 year ago

Quit pron addiction with 6 tips for a NoFap strategy. Stirling Cooper gives advice to help men kick the habit systematically and for good. The video includes a discussion of the various physiological and psychological factors that consolidate porn addiction.

Dopamine receptors and circuitry are a physical component of addiction and need to be desensitized. Psychological components include triggers that are specific to each person, but should be identified and managed. These include emotional triggers. Stirling explains exactly how to dismantle and re-pattern your porn addiction using a pattern interrupt. Additional advice includes making pornographic material inaccessible, replacing your habit and cultivating delayed gratification. The video concludes with a motivation to quit porn addiction and to make a lifelong change for better mental health and success.

Stirling Cooper is an award-winning adult film star and the world's best sex coach for men.

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0:00 How to quit porn addiction with a nofap strategy to regain sex drive and motivation
1:18 Identify your triggers
2:12. Create a pattern interrupt
2:50. Replace the habit
3:52. Make it hard to access
5:01 Cut out cheap dopamine
6:22. Cultivate delayed gratification
7:50. The science of NoFap

#quitpornaddiction #nofapstrategy #pornaddiction #dopamine #patterninterrupt #addictedtoporn #stirlingcooper #bedroomcoach

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