11 months ago

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer - Interweb Search (Amandha Vollmer) for more info on her!
More Info in this Link called; Covid-19 Does Not Exist”
More Info in this Link Covid-19 Does Not Exist” These so called ‘experts’ continually pander their unholy trinity: Darwinism, global-warming/climate-change and pandemics. These so called ‘experts’ are the private property of the inbred, Anglo-Zionist vermin; they are willing puppets, stooges, who only care about getting fifteen minutes of fame and more fortune. Television’s effeminate and obnoxious Sheldon Cooper is a perfect caricature of these fucked-up liars and frauds.

And most of you sheep to the slaughter flock to these charlatans like flies to shit! When will you ever learn is a ridiculous question, since you evidently have no capability to learn from your own life experiences. You have been cognitively bludgeoned and bloodied by these so called ‘experts’, time and time again, and yet, you continue to beg them for more: “Thank you, sirs, may we have another?!” is your mantra:

COVID – 19 Does Not Exist
I believe that even without having special access to these areas I would not believe covid exists anyway considering the evidence. But, I have to share this detail because if I didn’t I am afraid nobody would listen.

Covid-19 still has not been proven to exist.
Scientists have not isolated and identified enough unique genetic material to claim its a new virus.
The procedures used to identify the genetic material they claim is “covid,” was acquired using extremely questionable methods. To clarify, any other study would have been thrown out if these same methods were used.
The genetic material supplied has an 80% similarity rate with sars-cov-1. That is why the government called it sars-cov-2. However, that is not enough commonality to classify it as such. To compare, humans are more related to cats and cows, than covid is to sars-cov-1.
According to Koch’s postulates, a virus must meet all these criteria:
The virus must be present in every case of the disease. (NEGATIVE)
The virus must be isolated from the host with the disease and grown in pure culture. (NEGATIVE)
The specific disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the bacteria is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host. (NEGATIVE)
The virus must be recoverable from the experimentally infected host. (NEGATIVE)
There are many insinuations by the mainstream media that this is being done, but I charge anyone to prove that it is.

2. There is no test for covid-19

The PCR test is the test used widely to test for covid-19. However, according to the FDA, the PCR test cannot distinguish between bacteria, exosomes, other viruses, or any other levels of random DNA.
The PCR test replicates DNA and if the amount exceeds a preset within a threshold, it gives a binary result. The threshold can be set to any number. If there is a desired result, you can set a threshold to produce that result. It cannot see specifics. The creator of this test says it cannot be used to test for covid. (This is why you can test goats, fruit, and birds and they will test “positive for covid.” This is why you can be negative, then positive, then negative, then positive over the span of a few days.)
There have been claims that other tests have been developed for covid. Almost all of them are a variation of the PCR test. PCR is by far the most widely used test for covid.
Categorizing patients as covid positive.
How are you supposed to count someone as positive if they cannot even test for it?
How are you supposed to attribute covid as the cause of death if it has not been proven to exist?
The CDC sent every doctor in the U.S. a document. It is an operating procedure instructing them on how to categorize covid. In this document it states that the doctor does not have to test for covid and can use their best judgement. This include living patients and deceased patients.
Dr. Birx of the white house said during a press briefing that they are counting all deceased who are presumed to have covid, as a covid death.
3. Covid = Money = Motive

For Medicaid patients, the federal government will pay $13,000 for anyone who tests positive.
For Medicaid patients, the federal government will pay $38,000 for any “covid” patients placed on a ventilator. (this is why you see covid affecting low income and minority patients disproportionately)
Hospitals were mandated by the government to prioritize “covid” cases over everything else. People were asked to stay home. Many states mandated profitable elective surgeries be postponed. (Hospitals started going bankrupt and laying off employees)

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