Games from The Crypt 2022 - Hal Laboratory's New Ghostbusters 2 Plus [Famicom] (Part 1) (Reupload)

1 year ago

Games from The Crypt 2022 - Hal Laboratory's New Ghostbusters 2 Plus [Famicom] (Part 1) (Reupload)

Hal Laboratory's New Ghost Busters II Plus

Bustin Makes you Feel Good Again!......Kirby Style!

In Celebration of the upcoming new "Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed" for the PS4/PS5 and Xbox One and box Series X/S,which will be out on the 18th of October,I'll be playing THrough Hal Laboratory's Version of Ghostbusters 2 for the NES/Famicom as part of my Halloween "Games from THe Crypt 2022" Series!

So whats this You may Ask!???? 2 Versions of Ghostbusters 2 on the NES Based on the Blockbuster Movie "Ghostbusters 2"????? So what Gives??? Well,let me give you gives a simple answer!

while we american Gamers/American NES Console owners got stuck with the Crappy/Garbage Piece of shit Activision version of Ghostbusters 2 which Sucked Donkey Balls,but however,our friends over at japan made they're own Version of "Ghostbusters 2" for the Japanese Famicom outsourced to our fav pals at Hal Laboratories,Yep thats right,a Good Ghostbusters 2 game made by the same folks that gave us both the Kirby Series,The Adventures of Lolo games and Super Smash Bros! YES,those guys at Smash and Kirby gave us an Awsome "Ghostbusters 2"

Hal Laboratory's Version of Ghostbusters 2 Called "New Ghostbusters 2" was an Overhead/Top-Down Zelda-style/Shoot'em up,which in other words,it's basically a combination of a Pocky and Rocky/Bomberman/Lolo Clone with Ghostbusters Characters in it rendered into a Chibi animation

It's quite halarious Seeing Chibi Versions of Peter,Ray,Egon and Winston Bustin Cute Kirby-Like Ghost heck this version even got the same music Composer "Jun Ishikawa"

so get ready to enjoy listening to some of your fav arrangement versions of some of the iconic classic Ghostbusters songs.........In 8bit Kirby's Adventure

and speaking of which,the Soundtrack alone Kicks ass!:P


so to clearify,heres a Recap,what you guys want is THIS VERSION RIGHT HERE:

and Stay the FUCK away from this AWFUL VERSION RIGHT HERE:


and of course Like any Popular franchise at the time,theres also gonna be Comics Based on the Ghostbusters Media,which Had tie-in Comics based on Both the Ghostbusters Movies and the Real Ghostbusters Cartoon,and spinoff Crossover comics like the Ghostbusters X Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover comics from IDW Comics:P

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