How To Prune Thaibasil | How To Pinch Thaibasil Plant | How To Make Bushy Thaibasil | Thaibasil

1 year ago

Pinching Thai basil is a common practice to encourage bushier growth and prevent it from becoming too leggy. Here's how to do it:

1. Wait until the Thai basil plant has at least 6-8 sets of leaves.
2. Locate a set of leaves that you want to pinch. This should be a set of leaves at the top of a stem, just above a pair of leaves or leaf nodes.
3. Using your thumb and forefinger, pinch off the stem just above the pair of leaves. Be gentle but firm to avoid damaging the plant.
4. You can use the pinched leaves for cooking, as Thai basil is a flavorful herb commonly used in various dishes.

By pinching the plant in this manner, you encourage it to branch out and become bushier. This can lead to a fuller and more productive Thai basil plant.

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