Part 2. Personal Stripper Promo

1 year ago

2015 description (Please look at my 2023 update)

Working on new music!

I'm introducing a track named "Personal Stripper!" This is a promotional cypher of the track with Mylo Jr. Carter and Chris Brewer! I'll have to update this promo really soon because I'm adding other artists on to this! :)

Want to know when this promotional cypher comes out? Want to know when the project with this song on it comes out? Want to know when I release new music in general. SIGN UP BELOW.

Background on song:
Vocals: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson, Mylo Jr. Carter, Chris Brewer
Lyrics: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson, Mylo Jr. Carter, Chris Brewer
Beat Made By: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson
Mixed and Mastered By: Mylo Jr. Carter and Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson


I'm re-making making this song with new people. Some of us don't talk anymore and some of us had a falling out. Right now, I'm just putting all my videos on other platforms. This is a great memory to look at though.


Uploaded originally: April 12th, 2015

Filename: Personal Stripper Promo1.mp4

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