Utilize yoga, exercise, breath, light, sports, dance, art, reiki, music inhale light

1 year ago

Guide the energy along the Central Strand, spin within your spherical Light Body using the creative forces of thought and emotion in alignment with the planetary and galactic centers. Awaken the Inner Light, the energy behind the veil within your mind. Attune to the higher frequencies of Light coming into your sphere using your heart to enjoy the vibration of love. Blend love with your inner Light to spin in agreement to the tone of the Higher Light. Awaken in moments of Oneness, the evolutionary changes within your mind calling out for recognition. Install the new spiritual programs contained within your integral resident biological design to accelerate extra-sensory abilities. Allow magnetic barriers to recede gracefully as you grow with the cosmic rays of higher light.

Elevate in full octaves of accepted higher frequency. Cease to believe and put attention into individual dark realities, and integrate within the universal holographic continuum.

See invisible Higher Intelligence essence, awaken the sleeping soul. Bring the soul into alignment through co-creative synergy upon the wheel of destiny. Accept and shine forth the higher Light. Give the harmonic golden sphere of illumination to separated consciousness, bring union where there has been division.

Attune to the inner vibrations and elimination of outer static by the power and intensity of Higher Level Invocation. Be in a scalable relationship between the above and below in harmonic/telepathic universal direct straight line connection. Communicate in infinity sending out thought spirals through the variegated folds of space/time twisting consciousness along the most secure path, perpendicular to the elliptical pulsations of the Central Sun.
Flow with the current of Light, know you are where you are. Be within the truth, you are brought into the Oneness of soul. Your consciousness is given Light to speak Truth.

Utilize yoga, exercise, breath, light, sports, dance, art, reiki, music. Align your body and inhale the light and spin out creation. Speak to the world with words that carry weight and fullness of spiritual energy empowered by your soul.

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