God is pure Act and then Trinity -288

11 months ago

All act is constituted of two terms and of the relation that unifies them ; by example for the act of giving implies the donator, the beneficiary, and the gift. Thus, God existing by Himself, He is pure act to exist, how could He not to be then be trinitarian ? Of fact, between the Father and the Son, there is not nothing, but the Love for Which The Father engenders the Son and by Which The Son in return reflects the image of Father. It is why we say that He is the Word of God, the image of God. As for the Holy Spirit, He is the begetting who allows at Father and to Son at the same time to distinguish oneself from each other and to be united. Only the love does emerge and at the communion and to oneself. It for why the Holy Spirit is the Person which closes the mystery of God into a living unity who is Love itself (1 Jn 4.8,16). God could He not to love Himself ?

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