A Mirror Effect

10 months ago

What does our lives reflect? When people look into the mirror of our soul what do they see? Do they see selflessness? Do they see pride? Do they see humility? Do they see a kind soul? So, basically without God, without that heart to heart relationship with Him, we are not so good. People without God have a mirror effect of all things evilish. What mirror effect do you cast off? Good or evil? Good character or bad character? Which one?

As we spend time getting to know God we get that godly mirror effect in our lives. You know God, Who is a very personal God, always has been, always has wanted to have a personal relationship with those He created in His Image, He is a great reflection for our mirror effect. Yes, we were created in God’s Image, this is a mirror effect of God on humanity. The world fogs up our mirror effect with all kinds of smog, pollution, corruption and deplorable mirror reflections happen. A connection with God, a vital-vertical relationship with God, changes things up, giving us a mirror effect that is so pleasant for others to behold and partake in. Who would you rather hang with, a selfish person or a selfless person who has the mirror effect of God’s goodness?

We are a reflection, a mirror effect of our heart, soul and spirit, this is who we are. It is not about what we look like in the mirror that matters. We are more than an outward body, and the inside soul of our life, reflects to the outside. What is in our heart will be what flows into the issues of our lives. As we spend time with Jesus, we become a mirror effect of Who Jesus is, a reflection of His grace, mercy, wisdom, kindness, goodness, love, selflessness and hope.

“Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. 21Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. 22Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being.
23So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:20-23 TPT

So we get into the Presence of Jesus and let the light of His Truth shine upon us and we reflect the all of His everything, we become a mirror effect of the goodness of God to the world we live in; a good light, a strong light, a consistent light in the darkness of our world is our mirror effect of godliness in our soul. In fact, the mirror effect of reflecting Jesus resembles the shattering of darkness with light. So on this day, turn the Light on… reflect Jesus, be His mirror effect, and shatter darkness wherever you go. God bless ya.

Dig Deeper:
Resemble Jesus: Less of me and more of God, this is how I respond when I have chosen a vital-vertical relationship with God. At the get go of my day, I bow my life before God and I make a relational heart connection with God, a commitment of accountability to God’s Holy Spirit in the day at hand. I am living out of the spirit from the inside to the outside, therefore the outside does not get the demanded impulsively-willed reaction that it asks for.

What is causing my soul to reflect fear?

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