The Secret To Overcoming Sin || Ita Udoh

1 year ago

Did you know that the blood of Jesus covers but does not remove your sin? Do you want to know the secret to overcoming sin?

In this snippet, Pastor Ita Udoh teaches about:
- Why we feel the desire to sin.
- The covering vs. removing work of Jesus' blood.
- Why confess your sins one to another.
- The power of God's Word to cleanse sin.
- How to stop labouring under false guilt.
- How to walk in liberty.

Watch and learn about what the atoning work of Jesus does for you.

🎵Intro: Waves of the Spirit by God's Lighthouse Music Team

#sounddoctrine #Christian #wordofGod #itaudoh #Jesus #sin #repent #sinner #bloodofjesus #salvation #cross #grace #lambofgod

00:00 - What does the blood of Christ do for sinners?
02:20 - Is there a consequence for sin?
04:07 - Why do we need the need the blood of Christ?
05:21 - Why do we still feel the desire to sin?
07:00 - Why do you need to confess sin after getting born again?
08:05 - Are we free from all sin after getting saved?
09:33 - The power of the Word of God to cleanse of sin
10:32 - How do I know if I'm labouring under false guilt?
12:59 - How to walk in liberty
14:00 - How people falsely cover their sin
15:40 - The secret to overcoming sin

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