A Novel Out of India Migration Theory - Wim Borsboom

1 year ago



Based on archaeogenetic, archaeolinguistic and
archaeological data, this hypothesis proposes that over an extended period of time, between 8,500 and 3,350 years ago, large segments of the urban, agricultural, river-faring and seafaring population of the northwest delta (the Indus Valley) of the Indian subcontinent left their homeland in migratory waves.

They were driven by:
(a) a natural human inclination to "look for other shores",
(b) a number of large natural catastrophes and the various diseases that resulted from them.

These multiple group migrations went into three main directions, following 3 distinct routes.

1. Migrations by sea and partially over land along the coasts to coastal European lands through the Red Sea to the Mediterranean lands (including northern Africa), and subsequently via the Strait of Gibraltar to the North Sea's coastal lands, and from there to the Scandinavian and Baltic Sea

2. Migrations overland within India to north, north east, central and southern Indian regions, where, over time, the migrants merged with existing populations and cultures.
Shore hugging sea migration also took place around India’s mainland coasts.

3. Further east oversea, via Ceylon, etc. to coastal and central Asia, via the Indonesian archipellago to Australia, and via the Pacific Ocean's archipelagos to
the Americas.

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