Ready to Shift Into 5D? The Star People are Here to Help!

11 months ago

TheWealthWithin.Us - Episode 30

Danielle Lipton is a channeler of Star People. 

Who are Star People? Star People are beings of Light as well as select extraterrestrials that enter into Danielle's consciousness delivering messages that she shares to help with the collective shift into 5D Earth, or as many call it, New Earth.

We are in a time of great change and the veil is thinning. Learn how to heal yourself, release trapped emotions, release attachments and the first steps in the shift into the 5D New Earth.

Would you like to know where your soul originates? Most of us incarnated here from a different star system. Our soul origins are in fact that of Star People! What does this mean? We have a galactic family, and that family has been with us since we chose to incarnate. They have been supporting and loving us from the veiled side, doing whatever they can to help and assist us on a mind, body and spirit level.

Watch Danielle's Lives, Shadow Work and Book a session with Danielle on her website:
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➡️ Tree of Life Organization:
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➡️ Tree of Life Organization Facebook Page:
➡️ Star People Facebook Group Page:

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