California has been a primary target of the CCP's infiltration in recent decades

1 year ago

10/26/2023 【Aila on the @WayneDupreeShow】Aila Wang: California has been a primary target of the CCP's infiltration in recent decades. Shortly after the Tiananmen Square massacre, Wang Qishan's family used money stolen from the Chinese people to buy numerous luxury homes in California. Every American patriot and ordinary Chinese person needs to know what secrets lie beneath these mansions.
#California #Wangqishan #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/26/2023 【小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Show节目】小飞象:加州在过去几十年是中共渗透的主要目标。六四天安门大屠杀发生之后不久,王岐山的家人就在加州用他们从中国老百姓盗取的钱买下了大量豪宅。每一位美国爱国者和中国老百姓都需要知道这些豪宅底下隐藏着什么秘密。
#加州 #王岐山 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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