…paedophilia by 8?

1 year ago

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…paedophilia by 8?

11.11 israel feeding time
11.33 israel. Bombing
12.05 israel. Christians
13.46 israel. demo palistine
14.10 israel. genocide bombing
14.53 israel. genocide terrorists
15.26 israel. Hostage
16.33 israel. Palistine
17.19 israel. Sweden
18.04 israel. WATCH Jews who were demonstrating against violence towards Palestinians in front of the military recruitment office in Israel were beaten by the Netanyahu government’s police.
18.24 islamic school
18.35 pigs train station
22.10 police arrest police
25.23 police complaiant
29.44 police force when they lose
36.25 Policewoman going mental with the CS gas in Leeds tonight.
38.13 give me money
38.28 ajenda 2030
42.44 government lies
47.43 france 1890
50.01 they live

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…paedophilia by 8?

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