Late Night Edition of "Truths and the Delfection from it" More Piping Hot Tea.....

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I wasn't going to go live, however, the grimey crap I heard Paige did, to a DV victim, is to much. I don't like Kel Val, she has said alot of shit about me, for absolutely no reason. Ironic, how the ones who are screaming, I'm a addict, are the ones with the addictions, and addict behavior. There are no lines they won't cross. Pay atttention people, it will be you, if you tell them anything. There are thirsty, pill addicts, trying too deflect their miserable lives on others for a grift, and to make others look like somehting they aren't. I'm no more addict shaming, than they are. Trying to show the world, I am doing so much, yet, I'm sober. Imagine. Come get this work, bitches.

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