3 Simple Rules for Executing Baseball Bat Chokes

1 year ago

These are 3 simple rules for doing baseball bat chokes from a variety of positions.

You can use them as a guide for any setup of this submission, and they will help you have a clear understanding of objectives as you seek the finish.


S U B S C R I B E:
🔔 @kennethbrown

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📰 https://newsletter.kennethbrownbjj.com

W E B S I T E S:
🌐 Kenneth Brown BJJ: https://www.kennethbrownbjj.com
🌐 2nd Gear BJJ: https://www.2ndgearbjj.com
🌐 BJJ Canvas: https://www.bjjcanvas.com

C O N T A C T: 📧 kenneth@kennethbrownbjj.com

#BJJ #submissions #baseballbatchoke

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