Chapter 108 | Commentary in English of Surah Al Kausar | Lake in Paradise | @islamichistory813

10 months ago

@islamichistory813 #quran #surahalkausar #tafseer #commentary #english

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about..Chapter 108 Commentary of Surah Al Kausar, reveald in Makkah
Every Surah of the Quran has specific lessons. In the Surah Kausar, we learn that Allah Almighty never abandons His Prophet and supports him constantly, especially when his enemies insult him
Allah says: O Beloved! Indeed, We have given you numerous virtues. So pray for your Lord and sacrifice. Indeed, whoever is your enemy is deprived of every good thing.
There are different sayings of the commentators in the commentary of Kausar, the summary of all these sayings is that, O Beloved! Indeed, We have blessed you with countless virtues, and by bestowing many virtues on you, we have made you superior to all creatures, and we have also given you outward beauty and inward beauty. He also granted, noble lineage, prophethood, book, wisdom, knowledge, intercession, the reservoir of Kausar, the position of Mahmud, the abundance of the Ummah, the domination over the enemies of religion, the abundance of victories and countless others. He gave blessings and virtues which have no end.
The information obtained from the verse It revealed 5 things (1)...Allah the Most High has granted Kausar to His Beloved, Mohammmad peace be upon him.
(2)... This gift of Allah upon His Beloved, Mohammad PBUH , is not because of his being a prophet and messenger, but because of the nature of him, which is the form of the glory of love. is Because here he said, ``We have given you'', he did not say ‘??‘
(3)... This grant to the Crown Prince of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, is not due to any worship or austerity, but this grant to him is due to the great grace and favor of Allah, the Most High, because the grant was mentioned here first and worship. was mentioned later. (4)...Allah has made you the owner of Kausar, so you can give whatever you want to whomever you want.
(5)...The praise of Sayyid al-Mursaleen, PBUH, is said by the Lord himself. Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, may God have mercy on him,
Allah says: So pray for your Lord and sacrifice.}
That is, O Habib! PBUH, Allah has blessed you with many blessings in both places and has given you a special status which has not been given to anyone else except you, so you should pray for this Lord of yours. Continue reading Who gave honor and dignity to the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, by giving him the kothar, so that the priests of the idols would be humiliated and oppose those who slaughter in the name of the idols and sacrifice for the sake of their Lord and in His name. In the commentary of this verse, there is also a saying that prayer means Eid prayer.

That is why when Abu al-Bashr Adam would remember you, he would say: "O son of mine in appearance and father in reality. Then God knows what will happen to you in the Hereafter. When this endless favor of His is directed towards you, why should you be bothered by the tongues of these scoundrels, but in gratitude to the Lord, pray for him and sacrifice your enemy. It is the same race that the sons whom he is fond of i.e. Amr and Sham will become his enemies. And coming to your true religion, the burden of religious differences will be separated from his generation and will be counted among your religious sons. Then a man would be without race, even if the name would not be used. It is a thousand degrees worse to remain in bad name than this. The impure name of your enemy will always be taken with evil and blasphemy, and on
the Day of Resurrection he will be fully punished for these insolences.
It was learned from him that the status of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the presence of Allah is so high that the Lord Himself gives an answer to his insolence.
Allah Hafiz
#islamic historyinurdu

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