Daniel 11, the Final War Between Islam, Israel, and Christianity

1 year ago

The Bible prophesied over 2,500 years ago that the final war for this world would start with Islamist attacks. We are seeing the fulfillment of that prophecy right now. We have seen the rise in attacks coming from Islamists, such as the brutal, inhuman, barbaric, satanic attack of Hamas against Israeli citizens on Simchat Torah, Oct 7, 2023, and the rise of ISIS in 2014 against everyone they came in contact with, and even before that in 2001 with the attack on civilians when they flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings in NYC. And we should not forget the thousands of Christians in Africa who are regularly being kidnapped and raped, mutilated, and murdered, and churches burned,and many other atrocities that would be too many to count.

Where does the Bible prophecy the rise of attacks from Islamists against the world?

In 2010 Tim Roosenberg wrote a book entitled Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, in which he interpreted chapter 11 of the book of Daniel to predict that Islam would attack the world, in particularly the Christian world, and the Jewish world in the process. Then four years later ISIS rose up and began fulfilling exactly what Tim interpreted from Daniel 11. And we have seen the continuance of that. Not only does Daniel 11 predict Islam’s attack, it predicts Christianity’s response, and the end result of this final battle.

In contrast to the prophecies of Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 8 and 9, and all of Revelation, which are all filled with tremendous amounts of symbolism, Daniel 11 is very literal. Daniel 11 is not the first prophecy in the book of Daniel, thus it was not meant to be the first read and interpreted. A proper understanding of Daniel 2, 7, 8 and 9, leads to a proper understanding of Daniel 11.

The Final War.

In this final war each side unites with interesting, and even unusual, partners, partners who at one time were diametrically opposed to each other, partners who are theologically and ideologically opposite, partners who, once the war is over, will be in opposition to each other once again, with brutal consequences. While this war is going on these strange bedfellow partnerships stay together for the cause of fighting a greater enemy, but once that greater enemy is annihilated the winner will then attack their temporary partners, because the goal of this final war is not world peace, but world domination.

This final war for the world will not be isolated merely in Israel. It is a global war that will affect every single person on this earth, including you and me. Remember, while Daniel 11 is very literal, the other prophecies of Daniel and all of Revelation are symbolic, thus the symbolism in Revelation has global applications.

We don’t need to read or watch the news and be afraid. We can read the Bible and be warned, prepared, and assured of the final outcome. We can be secure in our God and know that life on this fallen planet is not the final end. We look for a better land, and a city whose builder and maker is God.

But does God care about us today?

Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky as he goes over the details of Daniel 11 and reveals the amazing fulfillment of that prophecy as it applies to our lives today and current events we are seeing and experiencing.

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