Biohacked - mRNA - black ops tech

1 year ago

Advanced Cabal Technology Breakdown from a former "Black Operations" Contractor (at least thats what she claims)

This is part 1-4 found online. She (Sabrina Wallace) has allot more videos and I haven't dug into them. When I first saw Part 1 I kept listening because what she was saying was compelling and seemed to fill in allot of blanks we've needed. She claims to have family who were deep in the military and black ops projects.

She touches base on our "bio field" in relation to everyone being sick. Going into how they plan to connect us to the internet of things using frequency and more. She mentions multiple projects like project Solus. She talks about MK2 Reaper drones that are all attached to us and more.

She ties it into climate and the mathematics behind how they plan to connect us through our cells. She ties it all into EMF/RF frequencies, 4-6G (vtvault . org/danger) and how our body shares data with itself...

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