Nuclear first strike simulation on the US! #israel #ukraine #russia

1 year ago

This is a Nuclear first strike simulation. The attacker is Russia, in a all out nuclear war first strike. This shows likely primary, secondary, and tertiary US targets. It is thought that a Russian first strikes primary targets would be US nuclear sites, and military bases. Secondary targets would include Important Economic sites, like Ports, Rail hubs, Airports, factories, and Infrastructure. Tertiary Targets would most likely be population centers, and Every US State capital. The likely hood of Nuclear War grows by the day. We are closer then we ever have been. Yet you never hear the main stream media talking about it. This is an issue that should be on every citizen of the world. I encourage you to discuss it, spread the issue! Educate yourself, and be prepared for the worst case scenario!

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If you would like to run your own Nuclear war sim. The site is called Nuclear War Map. Easily found on google. Unfortunately I cannot link it here.

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