An EDIBLE Retro Nintendo NES Console? HECK YES! Just Take Small Bytes!

11 months ago

An Edible Nintendo NES Console? But how do you eat an NES? The answer? You Just Take Small Bytes! I'm sure many of you have heard the term hunting widow, some of you may have even heard the term gaming widow. My wife, however, gets to be a YouTube widow, especially as I spend hours filming and editing content for you to enjoy. One of the coolest things that she's ever done, and she, herself, is not a gamer, happened on our wedding night. Get your head out of the gutter.

One of the things that she was adamant about was for me to have a groom's cake. I had no need or desire for one But she really wanted me to have one. I relented and let her do it, and what she did completely outdid anything that I could have expected.

While my wife is a kid or by trade she does not consider herself to be a baker. But she has many friends who are. So what she wound up doing was to get a friend of hers to make the groom's cake, but it was not just any groom's cake. It was an NES groom's cake. Complete with the proper branding, logos, and controller ports, it even had AV ports and an RF output on the back. The attention to detail here was superb. It was so good that my stepmother even asked me to move the video game off of the dessert table because we needed that for dessert stuff. I eventually had to explain to her that that was one of the desserts.

Four years since we've been married, 6 years since I really dedicated myself towards making this channel a go we are still going strong. The last year has definitely had its ups and downs. From losing our bestest boy Murphey Mayhem in January, helping our youngest as she started in her new school, dealing with sick parents, surgery, adding 2 new juvenile delinquents to the house, changing careers again, and going on far fewer adventures than we planned, there's no one I'd rather have by my side through it all. Here's the thing, I get to have my wife by my side, she's stuck with me! That seems unfair, but she signed the contract, to take backs!

To my amazingly supportive wife, I love you, happy anniversary, and I'm sorry that I'll probably be editing more videos coming up. In the end, she is the reason I can say I have Eaten an NES. I Did, You Just Take Small Bytes! Sorry not sorry for the dad joke.

#Anniversary #Nintendo #GroomsCake #NES #halloweenwithshorts #Amiibo

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