Revelation Unveiled Ep 8 The Compromising Church

1 year ago

When the Church compromises with the world, the world will always win. The Bible NEVER tells us to make terms with evil, or compromise with it in any way. We are called to be separate from the world – not a part of it.

Yet this was the problem with the Church at Pergamos. In His epistle to that Church, Jesus tells them that they are following the path of Balaam, the Old Testament prophet who put his desire for wealth and comfort ahead of the mission of God. Pergamos joined themselves to the world in order to gain and maintain wealth, influence, and comfort. When we follow the lead of Pergamos in our personal lives, we become indistinguishable from the world.

Worst of all, when the Medieval Church became like Pergamos, the pagan world took over the Church and completely altered theology so significantly, that we still experience the repercussions to this day!

In this week’s episode, we examine the Epistle of Jesus to the Compromising Church at Pergamos from a historical, personal, and prophetic perspective.


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