03-6C – Wayshowers of Truth

1 year ago

This is the ninth page of information about the Game of the Gold Ring.

To summarize what is occurring, the world is undergoing an acceleration of energy which will allow global economic prosperity. Nothing will stop this from happening. The powers who dominate the present Game being played upon the world are called the Black Alliance. The Dark Masters of the Black Alliance are used through controlling, intimidating and abusing the masses through well-developed techniques including; economics, politics, religion, entertainment, education, war, racism, nationalism, capitalism and of course democracy.

As the new energy flows into the system a Golden Ring of Light is encircling the Earth. This Gold Ring provides abundance, love, joy and happiness to everyone upon the planet. The Game is about WAKING UP. The Black Alliance would prefer that you stay in their Game and continue to be used and abused. The ones who are assisting the Earth raise their vibrations are called the Teachers of Light. They are ascended masters who are teaching through the Wayshowers who are communicating and helping the masses who are called the Followers.

The Wayshowers will be provided with funds and with energy to complete their Mission. In the practical realities of economics the money will be found through benefactors who are aligned with the higher plan for the Earth and will give their funds freely into the new economic systems which will bring forth abundance. These individuals are called Initiators. Once the first Initiator comes forth and brings wealth to the Wayshowers then the Game of the Gold Ring gets exciting. What happens next is direct seeding of funds into the families so they can experience economic prosperity and unlimited abundance. These families are being created by the Wayshowers. So the Game continues!

Until the Initiator comes forth, Wayshowers must be empowered through their singular efforts to create constituencies. The Teachers of Light wish to speak the truth to you but there is too much noise in your world.

You are stalled in the development of your family by the Dark Masters who have captured your hearts and minds into focusing on the least of things. Diversion is the method of attack by the Black Alliance. The wars, the rumor of wars are simply entertainment and drama to be spilled to keep the masses of followers from awakening. In a darkened reality you are given negative information to assure magnetization to the negative forces. The truth is the lie and main stream news propagates the lie. The Teachers of Light would like to speak. Listen to your heart and know your own truth. The real world is not the world of intrigue which is commanded by the Dark Masters. You can tell the difference by the way you are given power from the singular reality where you are empowered through the Earth. In the world of the Dark Masters there are large dramas which are all about the dis-empowerment. What you are seeing is powerlessness of the people; the elite and their nefarious control; secrets, corruption, carrots and sticks.

Wayshowers you are to awake from the distractions which are coming to you in a myriad of ways but all come from the same dark, secret forces of the Black Alliance. They wish to keep your emotions churning in the lower chakras. They use history, fabricated science, education and continuous conflict. The emotions of the lower chakras are receptive and creative and do not distinguish between good and evil. The system is designed to create not to discriminate. There is free will on this plane of existence yet the power of the Dark Masters abuse and inflict pain on willing victims who are ignorant of the process of creation. The negative use of creative will to hurt and wound the weak is a collaboration which goes against the new energies coming forth from to the Earth. The speakers for the Dark Masters; politicians, corporations, educators, the news media and religions set up conspiracies with secret organizations using power, money, drugs, sex, murder, politics, lies, conflict, confusion, disinformation, mystery, secrecy and more lies to enlist your emotions to fall into despair, anger, frustration, hate, powerlessness, envy, rage and negative action.

When the followers are brought into the web of lies upon lies they are caught in creating lower dimensional energies using fear created by the solar plexus chakra to weaken the immune systems and the auric envelope. This allows an invasive attack by external energies, diseases, neurosis, paranoia, depression and powerlessness. This keeps the followers from recognizing the higher energies because they cannot ground them into positive creations and they are distorted and ignored. Dark Masters focus on negatives, fear, hate and always have an enemy. They are the ones who ask for your contributions of energy, your money, your anger and your hate to stop the enemy, the war, the disease, the hate. They turn the followers upside down acting like saints and seeking money and energy to help the weak. The unhealed cannot help they can only infect. As your solar plexus and stomach ache with pain, the poisons brought about by the agents of the Black Alliance eat away at your auric shield and your immune systems and cause you to be unable to receive the higher energies.

As Teachers of Light our words and influence will never bring you to despair or negative feelings which reduce or destroy your energy. In present time there are wars, death, destruction, violence, greed, theft, evil in every direction in the world of the Dark Masters. This is always the situation and as it gets stronger and louder from all the pundits, liars and fakes who act as if they speak the truth you will know them by their fruits. You will know it by the feelings that they produce within you. Remember that your feelings are the fruits of your body. When you see images of war, destruction and violent abuse the energy hurts and hits into the solar plexus into your stomach. From there it lowers your vibratory energy and you become less and less able to protect yourself from falling into negative emotions.

We speak to you so that you may know that you do not have to listen to these facts that are spoken by the specialists of distraction, disinformation and propaganda. Do not accept or help propagate the evil of these lies. The world is undergoing a massive transformation where the Light of the Fifth Sun is shining forth with more and more power and is bringing this power into the earth which is radiating out into you. Because of these greater energy streams which are coming forth the Dark Masters are attacking you with more and more force in every way possible to keep you from attuning to the higher frequencies. In this place there are so many who are now distracted. The Dark Masters are winning the battle to keep you from opening up to peaceful, beautiful, loving, unifying energies which speak truth. The truth is that there is no death that can take away life and dark cannot take away the Light. You are on the edge of enlightenment and you must turn around and not look into the valley of death and destruction. Look to the future vision of the goodness and the hope for all of humanity

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