Typical foods and desserts served in the state of Roraima.

1 year ago

Typical foods and desserts served in the state of Roraima.

Roraima, a state located in the far north of Brazil, is known for its rich culture and history.

An important part of this culture is the local cuisine, influenced by indigenous traditions and Drovers.

We will present in this video, some of the most popular dishes that you can find in Roraima.

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Damurida is one of the most representative dishes of Roraima, this dish has become a favorite since the first spoonful, it is a food that sharpens curiosity and taste, being one of the main culinary attractions of the state.

Tambaqui fish stew:

The tambaqui fish stew, is another incredible typical dish of Roraima, is popular in northern Brazil for its origin, this dish is a delight that you can find in many restaurants in Boa Vista.


Tacacá is an Amazonian soup that is very popular in Roraima, it is made with tucupi, a yellow broth extracted from cassava, tapioca gum, dried shrimp and jambu, an herb that causes a tingling sensation in the mouth. Tacacá is served in a cuia and is consumed hot, usually at dusk.


Beiju, also known as tapioca, is a simple and versatile dish made from cassava starch. It can be filled with a variety of ingredients, from cheese and ham to dulce de leche and banana. In Roraima, Beiju is a popular snack that can be found in many local markets.

Paçoca with Banana:

The Paçoca with Banana is a dish, with controversial origin. The recipe takes flour, banana, dried meat or jerky beaten in the traditional mortar, with the strength of the arms. This dish is so famous in Roraima that it is the most consumed in the Quarto de Bode Festival, a festival that has been going on for three decades and takes place in the municipality of Amajarí.

Tomboy foot:

The Pé De Moleque is one of the main attractions of the gastronomy of Roraima.

In the traditional tomboy pie, peanuts are the main ingredient. In the northern region, the recipe takes cassava flour, sugar, cinnamon, Chestnut and fennel.

Cupuaçu ice cream:

Cupuaçu is a tropical fruit native to the Amazon known for its unique flavor.

In Roraima, cupuaçu ice cream is a popular dessert that offers a refreshing and exotic flavor.

The cuisine of Roraima is a reflection of the cultural diversity of the state, each dish offers a glimpse of local traditions and provides a unique culinary experience.

So the next time you visit Roraima, be sure to try these local delights!

The health, shape and focus channel thanks everyone for watching the video that helps us a lot in the dissemination of typical State Foods throughout Brazilian territory.

A big hug to all, stay with God and until the next journey.

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