Our Choice: Non-Violent Coexistence or Violent Co-Annihilation

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Founder and Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stated yesterday during her Weekly Dialogue webcast that the world is presently at the brink of a catastrophe.

In the half-hour broadcast, she noted, “We are sitting on a complete powder keg and therefore an intervention is absolutely necessary.... We must shift the balance, because the alternative is straight into Hell.”

Each day, the unnecessary deaths of every Palestinian, Israeli, Ukrainian and Russian in the two-front world war will proceed, until we put a stop to it. By what means can citizens that are apparently powerless to stop the Anglo-American “war machine” shift the world from war to peace?

Last week, in a highly coordinated and organized fashion, a demonstration of several thousands, calling for an immediate ceasefire to stop the ongoing bloodshed in Gaza, occurred in the Cannon Building of the U.S. Capitol. This was done by an organization called Jewish Voice for Peace. That demonstration is but one example of nonviolent, creative direct action, which must characterize actions everywhere in the United States, especially on student campuses.

Cognizant of this newly- emerging factor of an emerging youth-based dissent from the general war madness, Thursday’s Fireside Chat will feature members of the International Peace Coalition, who will discuss the state of the presently devolving strategic situation, and what must be done now to shift it.

Projected Speakers:Prof. Cliff Kiracofe, Prof. Oliver Boyd-Barrett

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