October 26, 2023

1 year ago

01-3B-Awakening Wayshowers

The transformation to the Golden Age.
Reality is clear, clean and creates union. Life is shared and founded on trust. There is goodness in all revelations of promises. Humanity lives long and healthy. Truth is given freely to all who seek. Every moment shares truth, joy, and the power to steward greater transformations. The partnership of humanity and earth harmonises sun and sky, water and soil. The transformation is founded upon free energy, healthy foods, community sharing and education. Light increases everywhere and life supporting missions assist in the transformation into the Golden Age. With faith and fortitude every disease and poison is being removed from the environment. In genuine respect for life the world is a garden of great promise. Truth is taught with perfect clarity. Foods and chemicals that negatively affect and deteriorate the body have been revealed, removed and the proper balances restored. There is nutrition and joy in each moment of breath of pure and clean air.

Children early in life are taught self reliance, examination and correct personal standards. Love guides and brings forth transformations for each in proper timings. Laws are based upon love and follow the course of mentoring new generations towards moral conduct and applying the ethical principles of functional societies in Oneness and wisdom. Within the transformation great shining lights will take many higher in consciousness. They are revered as Wayshowers to a higher standard. They are honoured and understood each lives a prosperous life in love and faith. Through education and opportunity the populist gains more and more freedom. The Divine Truth is humanity is One and this is something all know intrinsically. All people are equal and part of the world where each person achieves happiness and success to the level of their desires.

The money system of the Golden Age is honest and based upon the fruits of labor. Rewards are given to each person and no one is left behind in lack or poverty. There is abundance and appreciation in every moment of life on earth, The responsibility of those who are in leadership, are to remain quiet and patient, walking softly in the way world while keeping the promises of prosperity and triumph of the Light and the Good. Every step is important in the plan to secure correct dominion of proper fulfillment of the inalienable rights of every soul who has chosen sovereign freedom.

The central message flows to all who are part of this part of this path of life in purity to achieve the ascension of humanity to a higher level of expression. The spiritual oneness of the planet centers the wholeness of each being, each person, each life, each communication, each transaction and each idea for the betterment of the civilization of the world.

The plan of transformation is for all to know and to follow. There is nothing hidden, humanity is living its desired dream and the dark turn of Divine truth is simple and easy to understand. Ability and responsibility are are wiped clean and purpose

The plan of the transformation is for all to know and to follow. There is nothing hidden. Humanity is living its desired dream and the doctrine of Divine Truth is easy and simple to understand. Ability and responsibility replace status, titles, authority and false importance. Illusions are wiped clean and purpose resolves to hold the energy of the Golden Age. The human mind opens in focus on the work at hand in harmony. With the clear light of new rays humanity sees the truth and follows the light through the short tunnel of darkness into the golden light of a new age.

In starting the Game you understand that everything is about economics and economics is about choice and preferences. There is abundance and scarcity is an illusion. You must change your mindset and awaken to the appreciation that there is a good universe that is abundant and full of every want you have. It is available for the asking and it always given. Now the system that is being built must be built by you. In the Game you must work fast to save the planet. It is up to you and only You.

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