Typical foods of the state of Rondônia.

1 year ago

Typical foods of the state of Rondônia.

Rondônia, a Brazilian state located in the northern region, is known for its rich culinary culture. You will love it, but first help us make this content reach more people by leaving your Liked and subscribing to the channel.

The cuisine of Rondônia is a mixture of flavors, with Indigenous, Northeastern and Southern influences. Here is an introduction to some of the typical dishes served in Rondônia.


Vatapá is a typical dish of the northern region of Brazil, made with bread, shrimp, palm oil, coconut milk and other ingredients.


Maniçoba is a dish made with the leaves of cassava, cooked for a week. Then pork, beef and fish are added.

Pirarucu dumpling:

The pirarucu dumpling is a very popular recipe in Rondônia. It is made from the flesh of the pirarucu, mixed with flour and spices, and then fried until golden brown.

Banana Farofa: 

Banana farofa is a very common accompaniment in Rondônia dishes. It is made with fried bananas mixed with cassava flour. 


Pamonha is a typical dish of the northern region of Brazil, made with grated green corn, milk, sugar and cheese, all wrapped in a corn straw and cooked.


Rondônia is famous for its abundant rivers and, consequently, for its variety of fish dishes. The Jatuarana, painted, Peacock Bass, Tambaqui and the Pirarucu, are the best freshwater fish in the world, are commonly used in many dishes.

The Jatuarana:

It is a scale fish that can reach about one meter in total length and eight kilograms.

The Painted:

It is part of the culture of the local indigenous peoples foods made with this fish, which is very appreciated for not containing almost bones and white and very soft meat.

The Peacock Bass:

It is a fish with scales, with an elongated and slightly compressed body. Its coloration is yellowish, with black and vertical spots regularly distributed throughout the body.

The Tambaqui:

Also known as Red Pacu, it is a freshwater fish that is very popular in Amazonian cuisine.

The Pirarucu:

It is usually grey in colour with some orange speckled parts near its posterior end.

Fried Pacu rib:

For lovers of fried foods, fried Pacu ribs are a dish from which you can not help but try. 

Pacu, a freshwater fish known for its tender and tasty meat, is cut into ribs, seasoned and fried until it reaches a golden color.

Duck in the tucupi:

The duck in tucupi is one of the main dishes of the Northern Region of Brazil. Chicory, jambu and tucupi are the ingredients that give flavor to the duck. Served with cassava flour and rice, the recipe is delicious and juicy.

These were some of the best fish and food served here in Rondônia.

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