Only Here And Now [Music Video] *Escape The Matrix*

1 year ago

Break Free From The Matrix & Master The Game Of Life! This channel is for those who are serious about doing the inner work and desire to gain ultimate clarity, happiness, empowerment, and freedom in every aspect of this Matrix Mind Game Illusion.

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We share high-frequency information and knowledge about the Matrix Game of Life. Our channel’s main focus is to encourage, inspire, and help Source Players better grasp and comprehend the profoundness and enormity of Themselves and this Matrix Game of Life. In essence, the channel is teaching how to gain more clarity, a better understanding & comprehension of the Game, and develop a strong source-self connection. This channel will assist you on your frequency climb if you desire to fully wake up within this Matrix Game and you’re truly committed to the JOURNEY.

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(Music, Self-hypnosis, Book of lyrics, Infinite Source Truth, E-books...)

How To Break Free From The Matrix & Master Your Mind... How to fully break free from the MATRIX Game Of Life & live your Best Life Yet as a Source Player.


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