JUAN O SAVIN- Montana Small Town Life- Doug Hagmann 12 20 2014

1 year ago

Fantastic Original Presentation from 2014 on Hagmann & Hagmann that is still a classic (and very relevant today) by Juan O Savin "W" in those days. This was 9 years ago and has a delightful story about Shelby Montana and a traditional way of life that is long gone now. The introduction by Paul Harvey "If I were the Devil" describes to a "T" where we are NOW. But the hopeful moment is when it is replaced with GOD PRESENCE the model WORLD WIDE with the ability to pass over TIME and become our Future World like the old one.
FUTURE PROVES PAST. BACK TO THE FUTURE. It is coming and it is Close. GOD will take care of you. GOD IS WITH US.
Many don't know the Wealth of information in the BIBLE and the Wealth of a Small town life. Many areas have been changed and not for the Better. Paul Harvey who was a GREAT COMMENTATOR and because of the PAST ..and many knew in their hearts the infiltration of Satan. The conviction that JUAN O SAVIN talks about has to do with our Communities and our LOCAL connections. He mentions LARRY ABRAHAM "None dare CALL IT CONSPIRACY". Which was brought out recently in this presentation. https://rumble.com/v3qip1y-juan-o-savin-the-fight-the-monsters-and-god-himself-10-17-2023.html
Doug Hagmann is still broadcasting to this day. https://www.hagmannpi.com/the-demonic-convergence-has-begun-steve-quayle-with-benjamin-faircloth-video/
And was living in Montana when this was Produced. One of the best "internet" producers back in the day in my opinion. And yes I did listen to Doug his son Joe (now deceased) and Juan O Savin those many years ago. And I know when it is time... Juan will come back to Montana.

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