4 Whistleblowers Revealing the HHS Unaccompanied Children Program at the Southern Border

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“Where Did The Children Go,” an eye-opening exposé with four whistleblowers who come together for the first time to reveal “horror after horror” in the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Unaccompanied Children (UC) Program at the southern border.

Viewers will hear new evidence showing that the U.S. government knowingly put children into the hands of unknown and unvetted sponsors and traffickers, how the federal government turned a blind eye to the waste of taxpayer dollars by their select NGO contractors, and how “shame tactics” and
threats were used by both government officials and federal contractors to suppress staff from sharing

From their first-hand accounts, the whistleblowers describe the conditions of a dysfunctional government agency that put innocent lives in harm’s way.

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