168: Pt. 1 Shifting to Beingness | Michelle Spires on Spirit-Centered Business™

1 year ago

Michelle and I had a fun conversation about mind/body connection, the quantum realm, and her story of blending her faith with science. Inspiring and informative!

Michelle is a mom of 2 amazing girls and a Quantum Leap Coach. She’s journeyed through personal training, nutrition counseling, essential oils and more on her quest for health. While she found each of them to be beneficial, there was still a piece missing.

Through Quantum Leap Coaching, she found true health and wellness comes from the inner. It's our natural design. To remember our health and life, we peel off the layers of lies (that have been playing out for generations) to reveal the truth. The tools used in Quantum Leap Coaching work for every area of life. If signals are showing in your health, they are also in your business, marriage, parenting, etc. Transform the underlying lie to truth and it will transform every area of your life simultaneously.

"I love seeing the sparkle in my clients eyes as they begin to remember who they really are and love Life again!"

- Frequency & essential oils
- Scripture became literal
- Iridology: Reading the map of the eyes
- Root of Cancer, “I’ve got to, but I can’t” compulsion
- Power of “I can and I am.”
- Body chemistry can change instantaneously
- Vibrating her truth bone
- Our bodies tell the truth
- Shifting her feeling to gratitude
- State of ease
- Framing up as done already
- Subconscious has no judgment
- Beingness
- Religion in direct opposition to life
- Little foxes destroy the vine

Get Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan

- Learn more about Quantum Leap Technique: https://www.encompasslife.com
- Watch https://www.youtube.com/@quantumleaptechnique

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