Conspiracy Theorist's Alternative View of Reality, a Game Plan to Survive?

11 months ago


It is videos like this is why I can get arrested if I show up in a court to file a case against the perps of all this BS. I turn my cellphone on, & police show up to try & make up felonies out of thin air, like this:

If you have ever called Hillary Clinton the C-Word maybe you will never be able to own firearms, work, be on a dating site, travel, or have life as you once knew it ever again. Lifetime Restraining Ordered out of Palmer Mass 2020 to prevent me from getting a driver's license & registering to vote:

#WBNemesis is the answer. Ask me, Steven G. Erickson, how.

If you pass along to write to Owen Shroyer & even just write, "We care about you Owen Shroyer" & that is it, the amount of postal mail coming in from around the world will show authorities that we are pissed off & not going to take it anymore.

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