RAW audio eylon visit ob·nox·ious Knox CHRUCH 22OCT 3rd and last time

1 year ago

please consider sending an e-transfer to emogilner@gmail.com
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every $ will save at least 1,000 children if given before 13th of December. Currently i have exactly 0$. hope to update this soon ;)

to contact eylon parkinsonaway@Protonmail.com

read the SEMINAL letter that i sent alex of KNOX, on behalf of almighty

from: ParkinsonAway@Protonmail.com (please contact i; man eylon via this email)
subject line:
command from almighty to alex / trespass on almighty

on behalf of almighty;
command; immediate;

all rights reserve to i;
language used in this letter is solely English, legal terms are used for orientation purpose only;

date: 26th October, 2023;
TO: alex@knoxtoronto.org
alex macleod (acts as Agent Rev. Alex Macleod Senior MINISTER at corporation Knox Presbyterian Church);

Background; at times of legalized global extermination of mankind, singed as a (*pseudo)-legal treaty Agenda 2030, by the man called stephen harper (acting as prime minister at Government of CANADA corporation);

i, man; called by some eylon; deliver this command to the man called alex macleod;
i claim alex is a wrongdoer, using with intent the name of almighty in vain, for commerce benefit;

as alex recall, we did meet 3 times, on three consecutive Sundays up to the 22nd of October 2023 during the **Sunday morning services at the Knox church;

i did walk on the 8th of October 2023 on the streets of toronto, during my quest to dissolve peacefully the sphere of abomination and institute for the first time in recorded history a sphere of trust that echo through mankind;
part of my biblical plan is to dissolve peacefully all wrong ***categories, including Divinity, Theology and religion-related 'sciences'/academy, as all derived establishments/corporations do certify men and women to act as agents by virtue of legalese on basis of this misunderstanding/fraud;
jesus did not incorporated/founded/established CHRISTIANITY as state by BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (the legalese ‘bible’);

therefore; it so happens that KNOX Toronto corporation is the first corporation to receive this command, as ALL buildings and lands held by incorporated CHURCHES on the land of turtle island, being property/atoms of almighty, will be handed over, to be in use by righteous men and women; with approval of i, to serve roof-less men and women that till now die by design in droves on the streets, also next to the mostly-closed KNOX CHURCH buildings;

alex, repent before the ultimate prophecy you and all other agents of ‘CHRISTIAN’ and “JEWISH” corporations promote, brought by the hands of wrongdoers as yourself and alike, alex;

for immediate effect;
reply to this email to coordinate immediate transfer of keys of KNOX buildings to eylon;

* legal treaty Agenda 2030 - not only unlawful as trespass on all men and women on the land, also illegal (legalese) as did not included, intentionally, a referendum of the citizens of the CANADA corporation; zero informed-consent;
** - link to RAW audio eylon visit Knox CHURCH toronto 22nd OCT - 3rd and last time
***category - includes all categorically-wrongly-defined categories such as Physical Therapy/Kinesiology, Public & Mental health, etc.

--- original text
as part of my #biblical #quest to #peacefully dissolve the sphere of #abomination and bring for the FIRST time a sphere of #trust among #mankind
------ post starts here
eylon; man; walk with almighty; gave LAST NOTICE to man called Alex MacLeod acting as agent
(senior MINISTER / Rev. at KNOX TORONTO *CHURCH corporation);

Alex did not rose for the occasion to meet after the ceremony on Sunday 22 of October 2023 with eylon following serivce ~12:30pm-1pm, in front of Knox building, per eylon requirement.

Alex and other from the KNOX corporation commit in bad faith multiple trespass on men and women for many years, as part of their overall trespass against almighty.

Alex and others at KNOX made sure the possible resources for the community will not be provided (their own hypocrite, mediocre "ministry" in a huge asset) as they call to be working through GOD.
Engaging with other corporations of Ontario corporation ,Toronto corporation and the Toronto Police Service corporation, they committed and continue to trespass on all those that are in true dire need for shelter, warm meal and acknowledgment.

*(CHURCH) - pseudo Jesus-incorporation of CHRISTIANITY


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