How Many Freemason Signs Can You Spot?

1 year ago

From a Satanic/Illuminati/New Word Order youtube channel/website. Brainwashing young people into joining them. (easy to spot, they got a pyramid in their profile picture/website logo and the content is suspicious)

Look for pyramid shapes in the video. Including shapes the woman creates with her body. He seemingly got a pyramid badge telling you his Freemason rank. What rank is he? The higest rank is 33 btw.

Also notice how he is cheating. Using a white ball with aim-spots on. He also stand on some wood in one of the shots. Lastly, shots where the white ball drops on the floor after...counts as failed shots but they pretend they did not fail.

SEX is a common tool for these evil people to turn off your intellect and turn on your primitive instincts.

"Sex Sells" they say, sex also makes you easy to control. Just look how much a woman can control a man addicted to sex. That is why this "pool video" has to have a steaming hot young woman in the middle of it imo.

And because if you join "them" you will get women like this ofc.

This is ofc things the video does to your brain without you noticing it. Even I feel like joining them after analyzing content like this too much.

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