Did YOU Know That Directed Photons of Light Excite the Graphene Oxide Inside YOUR Body?

10 months ago

“Photons Excite Graphene,” LIDAR, "light detection and ranging" uses photons of light published in a scientific paper in December 2020:

Photon-generated carrier transfer process from graphene oxide platforms to graphene quantum dots: optical evidences and ultrafast photonics applications [Wang et al, Dec 2020]


[The] lack of a bandgap in graphene oxide severely restricts the controllability of carrier properties and therefore impedes its applications.

Here, we demonstrate the engineering of the graphene oxide bandgap in the graphene/GaAs heterostructure via C and Ga exchange induced by the method of femtosecond laser irradiation (FLI).

The coupling of the bandgap-opened graphene oxide with GaAs significantly enhances both the harvest of photons and the transfer of photon-generated carriers across the interface of vdW heterostructures.

Thus, as a demonstration example, it allows us to develop a saturable absorber combining a delicately engineered graphene/GaAs vdW heterostructure with InAs quantum dots capped with short-period superlattices.

This video presentation is a yard light on laser rods updated to street guard (2) [Oct 24, 2023]

The light (photons) excites the material [graphene oxide]. We can use people for logic gate scenarios. In brain neural electronics, it’s neural stimulation, neural modulation and neural monitoring, and the graphene oxide platform introduces instructions at the synaptic molecular level.

We now have Brain Imaging Libraries we can access wirelessly to commit a Crispr cas9 change. If your DNA is “nekkid” we can wrap it in a protein or methylate it and take a transcription of what we did with a transcriptome. Proteonomics is another college tech-laden career path.

[8:46] Our big “arrays” [antennas] are watching your biofield photons with something called “biophotonics” in what they call “neutrino arrays.”

Let’s hope this kind of human observatory is NOT planned for you and where you live:

See The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection, Martineau 2020, DOI: 10.22323/1.358.0958

The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) is a proposal for a giant observatory of ultra-high energy cosmic particles (neutrinos, cosmic rays and gamma rays). It will be composed of twenty subarrays of 10,000 antennas each, to be deployed after 2030 at various locations around the world, totaling a detection area of 200,000 km². According to simulations, GRAND will reach unprecedented sensitivity to neutrinos of astrophysical origin with energies above 10^17 eV, sufficient to guarantee their detection. GRAND sub-degree angular resolution will also make it possible to hunt for point sources and possibly start neutrino astronomy.

[9:05] Whether you have had the “ Jibby Jabb” or not we’re able to calculate where you are, where you are moving and what you are doing because we are literally watching every field of light inside of your toroidal field and we’re using air molecules to do it.

We can see you anywhere you are and we do not have line-of-sight issues thanks to graphene nano technology and 4, 5 and6G which is the addition of the metamaterials and the NANO. The graphene nano technology was set up in a way so [they] could have full control over the Grid, itself, locally.

The more you are connected to the “network” (wearables, sensors, etc.) is exactly what [they] want. The problem is they failed to disclose this to us], that we have metaheuristic algorithms. They’re genetic DNA bio electromagnetic algorithms. Artificial neural networks is a swarm of algorithms at the nano scale, and no one has been told about this technology until NOW!

We were also not told that the more we our interfaced with whoever their nearest neighbor is, that’s what shedding actually is! When you share with other people, “Near BioField Effect”, you should know how to affect their BIOFIELD [utilizing the WBAN and other networks]

[12:03] These Neutrino BOMBS are built off the back-scatter of the atmosphere which is your digital identifiers (is your bank account too fat or are you too fat, etc)?

The Thermal Dynamics Effect - Because YOU have been biochipped YOU are going to swell and de-swell with “temperature” controlled by this microwave technology inside your body affecting YOUR Bodyfield!

Think of how water boils in a microwave at 2.4gHz in just a few minutes!

To see this graphene technology inside the blood go to: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/zombie-hemoglobin-apocalypse-zombie-blood

To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.drrobertyoung.com/blog

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