Responding to the "Cessationist" Documentary - Part #5: With Guest Dr. Sam Storms

1 year ago

Responding to the "Cessationist" Documentary - Part #5: With Guest Dr. Sam Storms

🔥 The Remnant Radio, your trusted theology podcast, is back with the fifth video in our series dedicated to debunking the claims made in the controversial cessationist documentary. Dive deep with us into charismatic theology as we challenge cessationist assertions and set the historical record straight!

In this live-stream, we're excited to have Dr. Sam Storms joining us for a comprehensive 4 Part response:

The History of Speaking in Tongues & Cessationism Explained: Addressing claims by Phil Johnson and Nathan Busenitz, who suggest the gift of tongues made a sudden resurgence in the 20th century. We'll explore historical evidence to provide a counter-narrative to their cessationist viewpoint.

Charismatic Leaders & Their Legacy – Cessationism Exposed: We respond to Phil Johnson and Justin Peters' overarching criticisms, which indicate that the entire Charismatic movement is tainted due to the moral failings of a few leaders.

Reformed Charismatic Leaders & The Sufficiency of Scripture – Cessationist Refuted: With insights from Dr. Sam Storms, we'll tackle Sam Waldron and Josh Buice's arguments. They suggest figures like Wayne Grudem, John Piper, and Dr. Storms himself might compromise the sufficiency of scripture due to their Charismatic leanings.

Modern Worship & The Charismatic Influence – Cessationism Refuted: Responding to Scott Aniol's perspective, we'll make a case that feeling the spirit's presence during worship is not just a Charismatic expectation but a biblical one.

Engage with this essential episode of The Remnant Radio as we navigate the nuances of charismatic theology and offer responses to prominent cessationist critiques. Subscribe for more content, and continue the journey with us in our series, Responding To The Cessationist Documentary, for an all-encompassing look into cessationist viewpoints! 🔔👍

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