1 year ago

Most people don't realize 'just how far' our government has gone to reassure this mass destruction/depopulation.
It's not just the mRNA... The wildlife in our forest has been massively killed off using poison over the last few years, as have our lakes and streams. Not to mention the tens of millions of chickens, pigs and cattle that have been destroyed for no real reason, other than to deplete our food supply - after falsely testing them with the fake PCR test.
Let us not forget that 'well over' a hundred MAJOR food plants have also been destroyed in the last 3 years by planes crashing into them or mysterious fires or explosions.
Now it seems they have finely found a way to start another world war - after opening our borders to unknowable millions of criminals/terrorists/people who have been conditioned to dislike/hate us.
This might be a good time to stockpile supplies, don't forget bullets if you have weapons - it's always beter to be safe than sorry... or worse.
This plandemic has backfired on them, people are waking up - even thou it's far too late, in my opinion.
Unfortunately, a 'minimum' of 120,000 children have already died here in America, from this mRNA - thats not counting the adult death which is MUCH higher.
However, our loving government, still tell us that this injection is safe and effective, trying to get us to keep on injecting it into our loved one's.
By the way, if you haven't heard, at least half of our states have passed laws making it legal to dispose of our deceased love one's in acid baths instead of using conventional burial - seems they either want to conserve space or they don't think they have enough space - this has just changed in the last three years.
By the way again, have you seen the automated robotic body retrievers, they have created in the last year and a half ? They have the ability to pick-up dead bodies without human assistance.
If your not getting the drift of where they are going with this, it's getting a little late in the game - time to wake up.

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