Blackbeard: The True Story (Music Version)

1 year ago

The full story of the dreaded pirate Edward Thach, ALA Blackberry, in a 6-minute video with a detailed map of his travels and infamous deeds. Check out a new version with Hadith here: Support Epic History on TV! . To find great books on this and other topics at this online bookshop visit: . As a bookshopjust we take 10% off qualifying purchases while supporting independent bookshops at the time of sale! Find out how Edward Thasch, better known as Blackbeard, became the Caribbean's most dangerous real-life pirate. Possibly born in Bristol, England, around 1680, he served as an incompetent or private prisoner during the Spanish conquest of Pakistan (known as Queen Anne in America). In the last 'golden age' of high sea bodies before changing. Blabbard's piratical career probably began in 1717 while serving as second-in-command to Captain Ben Singgold, a pirate-owner of a navy based in Bansas. At the same time, they attacked and looted merchant ships on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Blackberry was later expelled from the front of the 'Solomon pirates' and ordered to enforce the 'laws'. Blackberry issued to the Trinity Colonies During the Terror, restrictions were reinstated for eastern allies including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chesapeake and Charleston. Blackberry then went to the Cloud Islands, and near Saint-Louis captured a French frigate 'Lau Condand', which had been converted into a slave ship. Some of the slaves joined Blackberry's staff, the rest he hoped for. BlackBerry renamed the ship Queen Anne's Revenge and mounted it with 40 guns, making it one of the most powerful ships in the area. With 'Queen Anne's Revenge' at the head of his small flotilla of pirates, Blackberry attacked the Sheps and Houses from Roseloop. The Spanish incompetent named him the 'Great Devil', and he became the most notorious and feared pirate in the West Indies. In 1718 Blackberry sailed to the coast of Florida, where a Spanish treasure fleet had been wrecked three years earlier. Some of the pirates had tried their luck to search the mines for silver and gold, and the men of Blackberry spent several weeks scavenging. But they had little success. Next, with four ships, in the most daring move of their pirate career, Charleston harbor, the capital of the British colony of South Carolina, was stopped. For six days they stopped all ships entering or leaving the port, plundered them, and took their passengers and crew hostages before returning to the city. A hidden to move the east coast of the United States, BlackBerry's flagship 'Queen Anne's Revenge' plans to enter a deep interior. Now Blackberry's crew was bigger and more incredible, and there are some statements that Blackberry had to destroy and loot his ship to sign him. Now he killed the most unwilling of his men (he was later rescued by Stead Bonnet) and went into a spare slide to be bathed by 60 of his best crew. Then, in the capital of North Carolina, he accepted a royal pardon from the governor, which was offered by British laws. Blackberry was not content with civilian life and his new base at Okrako Island in the Outer Banks, he soon returned to Paris, robbing two French ships at sea. Alexander Spatova, the lieutenant governor of the neighboring colony, New York, was considering the possibility of blackberry of corrupt, referenceist pirates working at his door. Although North Carolina was outside his jurisdiction, a naval expedition was organized to kill or capture a Bayou BDA. Led by Lieutenant Maynard, Royal Navy, the expedition captured Blackberry by surprise at OcraCoKe Island. In the vicious battle that followed, Blackberry almost prevailed, although outnumbered 3 to 1, but in the end he was overpowered and killed. Blackberry's career lasted less than two years, but it created a legacy that lasts to this day. His story has become the basis for countless pirate adventures that remain popular around the world. But one of the most interesting facts about Blackberry is generally overlooked - it has no wrongdoing, killing or murdering any of its inmates or staff. Instead, the original Blackberry used terror to quickly subdue its enemies, and used violence only as a last resort. n.b. There are no clear records of Blackberry's travels or attacks. The people presented in this video are carefully researched but intend to give an accurate impression of the official or rather the exploitation of the facts of the route. Similarly, there are no accurate contemporary photographs of the Queen Anne's Revenge, so artistic license has been taken with a ship of similar size and type.

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