Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

1 year ago

There are soooo many people today who have absolutely no idea that Washington DC government district is a ghost town and has been for years. The Federal Reserve Buildings (2 of) have been closed for 5.5 years, the US Treasury closed for years and is now down in Texas, then the embassies are closed, the FBI "Edgar Hoover" building, also closed for years. If only people would switch off their TV and follow Kelly Marie Brady aka "Nancy Drew" who for years has filmed DC on her own in all weathers, Kelly is a true Patriot, a fine lady who has certainly made her mark in the history books. Thank you Kelly, you are more appreciated than you think. xxx

This is very good short video, so the BOARD is what gives the Federal Reserve a Federal status, while creating a firewall to the banking cartels of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Lehman Bros, DuPont's, the Schiff's, and a few more, which she never really listed.

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