How to Do a Perfect Russian Twist | Female Bodybuilding

1 year ago

Get a toned tummy and perfect your Russian twists with these incredible products!

Workout Outfits for Women:
Probiotics for Men and Adults:
Supplement for Muscle Growth:
Resistance Bands and Bar System for Travel:
Day Time Fat Burner:

Full Playlist -

Hi, my name is Erin and I'm a former US Junior Olympics certified swim
coach and personal trainer and fitness is my passion. So I cannot wait to
share it with you guys.

All right, onto the floor where most of the magic happens, one of my other favorite
exercises is the Russian Twist. A modification, if you're new to this,
not so strong, just keep your heels on the floor, lean back slightly. If
you are a more advanced exerciser you can bring your legs up and cross them
but I'm going to show the modified version for now. Take your medicine
ball, lean back, you should already feel the contraction in the abs, and
then you're just going to tap the ball from side to side. If you're
feeling adventurous, bring the legs up for a greater burn. You could do
3 sets of 30 to 40 of those, they're pretty quick but you should feel a nice

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