Can’t We All Just Get Along? : Red Cap Conversations, Episode One

1 year ago

The public square belongs to the common man; or at least it should.

This Episode (1):
Biblical convictions, traditional First Nations perspectives and modern LGBTQ curriculums.

Red Cap Themes:

Constructive dialogue needs to be an honoured and respected goal, no matter what side of the fence you claim to stand upon. Our culture in Canada, and throughout the Western world more broadly, seems to be abandoning that aim all together as of late.

We, the common people, cannot allow a hyped up cultural hysteria to dominate our local communities. We need to have the courage to stand up for our individual perspectives and respect the rights of our neighbours to do the same.

We won’t always agree, but if are going to hold onto peace and prosperity, if we dare dream of bettering both, we need to remember to honour some of the positive, foundational, values we inherited from our forefathers.

One of those foundational ideas is free speech. Not just free in that you won’t be shot, but free as in contrary opinions are not only allowed, but considered and discussed freely and openly in the public square, age appropriate venues being respected.

Even if the ideas are bad and need to be rebuked, silencing or isolating those that hold such a view or suggest such an idea will do more harm than good in the long run.

You think I’m wrong?
Let’s Talk About It.

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