YouTube Staff Are Murderers And They Admit MMR Vaccines Cause Autism

1 year ago

YouTube is a communist dump it's a pit it's a cesspool of left-wing ideologies and lies. I swear to God if I did not know better that the World Health Organization has paid them off to help the World Health Organization kill you.

I made a video about the Ukraine-Russia War a year ago and somehow they're telling me it's medical misinformation and that I have to take an online course to tell me what is right and what is wrong to talk about on YouTube.

I wasn't going to do that without letting you see the BS I had to go through. At least we got YouTube to do one thing here and that's admit that vaccines cause autism!

What a bunch of scum bags!

covid, covid19, pandemic, scamdemic, virus, masks, lockdowns, death, needles, vaccines

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