Tai Chi Slows Parkinson's | Future Technology & Science News 360

1 year ago

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A study involving 147 seniors with Parkinson's disease found that practicing Tai Chi slowed the progression of the condition and reduced the need for medication.

The disease, characterized by movement difficulties and stiff muscles, affects millions of people worldwide, with no known cure. Over a five-year period, the Tai Chi group showed slower disease progression, improved overall symptoms, movement, balance, and cognitive function. The number of patients requiring an increase in medication was also significantly lower in the Tai Chi group, and the prevalence of complications like falls, dizziness, and back pain was reduced.

The study suggests that Tai Chi could have long-term beneficial effects on both motor and Tai Chi's simple yet effective movements make it accessible to seniors and can be practiced through online lessons, potentially leading to a higher quality of life, reduced caregiver burden, and less medication use.

Source: https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/early/2023/09/27/jnnp-2022-330967

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