Chapter Ten - Alonzo Mann's Testimony - The Murder Of Little Mary Phagan, 1989 - Read By Vanessa Neubauer In 2015

1 year ago

This is the tenth installment in a 13-part series of audiobooks from the "The Murder of Little Mary Phagan" book by Mary Phagan-Kean.
In February 1978, the author's coworkers at Griffin Co-operational Education Service were surprised to find their father and mother in a newspaper article about the murder of Little Mary Phagan. The author and their father found several inaccuracies in the articles and felt they had to voice their opinion. The series rekindled interest in the case, and people wanted details on the trial and the lynching.

The author became more articulate in discussing the case and felt a sense of confidence since they knew the story well and could answer most of the questions. They had plans to marry in June of that year. Bernard, who knew nothing about the story of Little Mary Phagan, asked the author if they were related to her. The author agreed and began to let it be known that there were close relatives of Little Mary Phagan who were still living.

The author's father acknowledged their relationship to Mary by contacting a reporter, and the author visited the grave of Little Mary Phagan. The grave had a marble tombstone with a beautiful inscription written by Tom Watson. The author took photos for a scrapbook about Mary and met a middle-aged couple who asked if they knew where the grave was.

In 1978, the author experienced firsts and beginnings. The first time her father acknowledged their relationship to Mary by contacting a reporter, the author's first visit to the grave of Little Mary Phagan, and her first car accident with an elderly woman who had a connection to Mary. The woman shared her memories of the trial and the changes she had seen in her 92 years. The author had a wonderful time with her and would lunch with her on Mondays, becoming very close to each other. Listen to more "claims" made by Alonzo Mann throughout the rest of the chapter.

Seeking Justice for Little Mary Phagan

Please purchase the book, 'The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Frances Phagan Kean' to learn more about the Leo Frank case.

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