TRIGGER WARNING! 3 Video Game Hot Takes That May Shock You!

1 year ago

I have plenty of gaming takes that, well, they're not exactly mainstream. Generally, I wouldn't say I like RPGs, I'm not big into first-person shooters, I think Zelda: Breath of the Wild is vastly over-rated, and I hate most early XBox controllers. But a post from @PKInTheUniverse got me thinking about a few other possible controversial takes I have about different things in gaming. So let's take a look at these Video Game Hot takes, but a trigger warning, these may shock you.

Number 3:
Mario Kart Double Dash is the Best, Most Innovative Mario Kart Game Ever Made!
Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 8 and 8 Deluxe on the Wii U and Switch, but something about the driver-swap feature changed the dynamic immensely for me. You could be more strategic about when and how you use weapons, and different pairings deliver different handling characteristics. Other games may look better, but Double Dash is the GOAT.

Mario RPG Isn't A Mainline Mario Game
This is the post that PK shared that influenced this short. He shared a meme that he believed that while Mario Wonder is a great game, "real" Mario Fans now have the stage as Mario RPG is being remastered for the Switch. Nintendo didn't have much to do with the original development of Mario RPG, it was Square who did. Honestly, I think you could swap all the Mario characters out with any generic RPG characters, replace the Mushroom Kingdom with and generic fantasy world, and you have basically the same game.

While Both are Underrated, the Wii U Is Superior to the Sega Dreamcast
I've talked about my dislike for the Dreamcast controller, it's right up there with my dislike for the Xbox Duke Controller, but my statement is about more than the controller. I think the library is without a doubt much better on the Wii U than the Dreamcast's library. It's just so much deeper! Look at all the most-loved Switch Games! They're from the Wii U! If you like fighters, the DC has something, sure, but the depth just isn't there.

Which of these, if any, do you agree with? Let me know what you think in the comments!

#Nintendo #HotTakes #WiiU #Gamecube #Dreamcast #Sega #MarioRPG #halloweenwithshorts #fypã‚·

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