Labour puts winning a General Election before a Middle East ceasefire.

11 months ago

Labour MP Darren Jones appears to confirm a potential election win is the reason Labour won't back a ceasefire.
Right, so for all of the things any of our politicians here in the UK, in fact any politicians in the West it seems are saying in regards to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, with innocent civilians being caught up in on both sides, the one thing all of them are failing to call for is a ceasefire. Stopping the bloodshed immediately, so that a way forward can be found. Warfare never solved anything at the end of the day, all wars end when people get around a table and talk and for as much as the atrocities by Hamas can and should be condemned, if Gaza wasn’t basically an open air concentration camp, things likely would never have got this far. Palestine must be free. Right now though, the Labour Party seem to be competing for who can possibly be the worst at framing this debate. They aren’t calling for a ceasefire, because apparently stopping the killing might kill off their chances of a General Election win.
Right, so this story regarding Labour and it’s apparent priorities, ie that winning the next general election is more important than calling for a ceasefire has come from an Sky News interview with the eternally odious Kay Burley, she who recently misrepresented the Palestinian Ambassador’s words, but some other Sky News anchor had to deliver an apology over and her interview this morning with Labour MP Darren Jones, he who was regularly seen at his best holding dodgy business types to account as chair of the Business and Trade Select Committee, but who took a cabinet post from Starmer last month ending all of that, now being shadow chief secretary to the treasury, and has sadly become another obedient Starmerroid drone as a result. Well the topic of ceasefires came up when Burley mentioned that Save the Children were demanding a ceasefire. She asked him should there be a ceasefire or not? Straightforward question, Jones’ gave a political fudge of an answer. He said: ‘Well to answer your question about Save the Children, I entirely empathise with their position and I watched the news last night, children being affected by this and it’s clearly deeply sad, and you don’t want any child to be in that situation and I understand therefore why they are calling for that. All I’m saying is that on issues of ceasefire or other issues there are proper diplomatic routes that need to be followed for those types of discussions to happen. It’s not for MPs such as myself in TV interviews’-. Burley cut him off at this point, she does like to interrupt, but fair play this time, he really wasn’t saying much, nobody wants to see kids get hurt. Well demand a ceasefire then. Proper diplomatic routes? Yeah, they happen when you put the guns and rocket launchers down. Lets skip to that bit before more people, more kids as Save the Children are quite obviously focused on.

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