Apostle John Eckhardt - God's Watchful Eye on Those Who Fear Him

1 year ago

Discover the blessings and benefits of fearing God this October 2023 as revealed by Apostle John Eckhardt. Let His watchful eye protect you.

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I am so grateful to God for His protection, and that's exactly what I'm going to talk about today - the eyes of the Lord. I'm giving you another verse that talks about one of the benefits of the fear of the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is beneficial - there are certain blessings connected to the fear of the Lord. The Bible gives us one of them - His favor, which I spoke about yesterday - God favors those who fear Him. The fear of the Lord is the reverential fear of God, the submissive wonder of God, having all reverence and respect for God, His majesty, His power, His glory.

And when you have that submissive wonder, it causes you to humble yourself, submit to Him, respect Him, revere Him. You revere holy things - the Word of God, the Spirit of God, the sanctuary of God. The ministries God has given - you respect and revere the things of the Spirit and Word.

When you lose respect or reverence for God, you will descend into all kinds of sin and rebellion. You'll have nothing to restrain you. I see less and less fear of the Lord today in society, even in some churches - simply a low level of reverence for God.

You can see that in people's lifestyles, the way they live - getting into immorality, lawlessness, and rebellion. These are the result of lacking the fear of the Lord.

Psalms 33:18 says, "Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him." The Lord watches over all who honor Him and trust His kindness. The Lord looks after those who fear Him. The Lord takes notice of His loyal followers.

You get God's attention, notice, care, and protection when you fear Him. It's so important as a believer to know someone watches over you. You ask others to keep an eye on your house, your kids - let me know if anything bad happens.

This is what God does for those who fear and revere Him - His eye is on them. He takes notice, He watches over them. This is one of the great benefits of fearing the Lord. There are many we will cover, reasons why you should fear the Lord. It will bless your life, give you advantage, favor, God's watchful eye.

Begin to confess the Word - I fear and revere the Lord, so His eye is upon me, my family, my home. What a powerful benefit of fearing the Lord! Thank You God that Your fear is in my life. I will honor and revere You all my days. Your eye is on my life. I give You praise, glory, and honor in Jesus' name, amen!

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