Energy Clearing for Heaven on Earth

10 months ago

Welcome beautiful Angelic Beings of Divine Light.

Creating Heaven on Earth starts within each of us. Clearing our energy lines with Source light within us, just like we do with the Earth's grid lines.

This is a simple energy clearing technique adapted from the teachings of our beautiful brothers James Gilliland & Peter Maxwell Slattery who have so generously shared their teachings & techniques with us all. An essential daily practice to maintain our frequency integrity. Links to their beautiful work are below.

James Gilliland Clearing Technique:

Peter Maxwell Slattery Clearing Technique:

Clearing your energy field is a must for all beings who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority, maintain control, and spiritual sovereignty and this ensures the integrity of your frequency. Regular clearing creates a safe and clear environment, and intent is everything. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like heart. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, you will draw entities of like mind. It is the Law of Attraction.

If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental distortions, parasitic thought forms, psychic bonds, or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to lower vibration attitudes and emotions therefore locked in a tortured existence, and some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. They may come to your light to be released and healed like moths to a flame. It is the power of love that lifts and heals.

Words in this clearing:

Visualise a beautiful glow of white or gold light around you.
(Or visualise whatever coloured light you wish to work with; green, blue, violet...).

Take a deep breath in ... and inhale this beautiful light.
And exhale out and let go of all of your worries, tensions, fears and anxieties.

Breathe in the light... Breathe out the shadow.

Breathe in the light, and see it radiate through every facet of your being.
Breathe out. You are aglow with radiant, beautiful light.

Now say these words out loud or silently, it doesn’t matter. It’s the intention that matters.

1. I ask those who are aligned with the healing of the Earth and the awakening of Humanity to connect with my consciousness.

2. I ask the nature spirits and elementals in alignment with me to connect with my consciousness.

3. I ask my Guides, the Ascended Masters, the Angelics, the Galactics, the beings I work with to connect with my consciousness.

4. I call in my Higher Self, my GodSelf, as I align now with Mother-Father God Source Creator.

5. I ask that any harmful psychic bonds and connections be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

I ask that any negative implants, attachments, all negative greeting thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.

I ask that anything that is not in alignment with me be surrounded by Christ Light and Christ Love, be healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened, and taken to their perfect place. May they go in peace.

6. I ask the healing energies to step forward and assist with any physical, mental or emotional healing I might need. Thank you.

Now, give yourself a final blast with that beautiful light around you.

7. I feel the power of Source God Creator love flowing through my every thought, feeling, and action. My heart is full and I am grateful.

And so it is.

Music: 528Hz Nature Healing Society

Infinite love,

#heavenonearth #angelichuman #elementals #angelics #galactics #sourcegodcreator #motherfathergod #trinity #zeropoint #love #loveheals #newearth #energyclearing #healingearth #healinghumanity #thegreatawakening #5Dearth #joy #peace #bliss #freedom #liberation #sovereignty #divine
#harmoniousbeing #harmoniousearth

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