The CCP uses fishing vessels as part of its maritime militia to harass other countries

1 year ago

10/24/2023 【Hearing of Congressional-Executive Commission on China】Congressman Chris Smith: Communist China has been using fishing vessels as part of its maritime militia to harass and intimidate other countries. Letting the CCP become a member of the WTO did not mitigate its abusive behaviors. On the contrary, the CCP exploited the WTO and has been upending the rules of global international order and acting in a lawless and predatory manner
#CCP #Seefood #humanrightsviolation #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/24/2023 【国会行政部门中共国委员会听证会】克里斯·史密斯议员:中共国正在利用渔船作为其海上民兵的一部分,对其他国家进行骚扰和恐吓。让中共加入世贸组织并没有对其暴虐行为起到约束作用,相反,中共在利用世贸组织颠覆维系国际秩序的规则,并进行无法无天的掠夺性行为
#中共 #海鲜 #侵犯人权 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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