Culture War | American College of Surgeons (ACS) Calls Itself “Structurally Racist” | Surgery Racist?!? | Guest: Dr. Richard Bosshardt | Canceled and Silenced for Written Dissent Against ACS DEI Ideology

1 year ago

Dr. Richard Bosshardt joins Moms on a Mission Podcast again to update us on advancements made regarding his ban for life from the American College of Surgeons online discussion forum. He reminds us that he is a practicing Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and has been a Fellow of American College of Surgeons (ACS) for over thirty years. ACS was founded in 1913!! The leadership of ACS calls itself “structurally racist”, he explains, white surgeons are racist, and even surgery, in general, is discriminatory. Dr. Bosshardt states that the ACS claims that black patients do better with black surgeons yet that statement has not been proven. Dr. Bosshardt explains that not only has he been silenced with his lifelong ban from discussion forums, he has also been blocked from having any access to the membership directory along with having no access anymore to his own private messages. After appeals to the Board of Regent and to the Head of the Central Judiciary Committee, the ban is still in effect. In fact, he tells us that the department in ACS that disciplines surgeons never even reviewed his ban because it was not technically a disciplinary action, so they decided he does not deserve a hearing. Silenced, isolated and unable to contact fellow surgeons through the ACS, Dr. Bosshardt shares that he continues to push back. He states the real concern is, “WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION SILENCES ANY DEBATE AND DISSENT”? Hippocratic medicine, he tells us, has traditionally been centered on the patient in front of you and that you can’t treat an individual according to a group. He concludes by sharing that what is being lost is the importance of excellence, quality and competence and asks us all to sign his Reinstatement Petition and Change.Org.

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